在构建《人的基因序列变化与人体疾病表征》过程中,有一个关节炎的疾病表征,首先在国际上被关节炎的分类专家所提出。这个关节炎分类英文原文为“Metainflammation". 在英文原文中是这样使用的:"Metabolic triggered inflammation, also known as ‘metaflammation,’ is a subclass of inflammation, which may involve many similar molecules and signalling pathways involved in classical inflammation and which is initiated by factors involved in metabolic diseases, potentially as a result of conditions associated with metabolic surplus. (Molecular taxonomy of osteoarthritis Mobasheri et al). 如果大家采用翻译机器翻译,这个词被译为“变质炎症”, 但是根据原文的意思,这个词是由”Metabolic和 Inflammation"形成的复合词,是指由代谢触发的炎症。因些,这个词翻译为“代谢炎症”更合适。
在Metainflammation被使用的另一个环境中:One of the major concepts emerging from the last 2 decades of metabolism research is the notion of “metainflammation,” the state of chronic low-grade inflammation that develops during periods of overnutrition. This manifests itself most notably through significant alterations in the number and composition of the immune cell populations that reside in adipose tissue, including a dramatic increase in the ratio of classically activated M1 macrophages versus alternatively activated M2 macrophages. The result is a proinflammatory cytokine milieu that is believed to promote insulin resistance in surrounding adipocytes. (IRF3 promotes adipose inflammation and insulin resistance and represses browning Manju Kumari )这里讲的也是和营养代谢有关的炎症。
The inciting trigger of metabolic dysfunction has yet to be mechanistically elucidated, however chronic over-nutrition and resultant obesity are recognized as a cause of chronic, low-grade inflammation, historically described as “Syndrome X” , “The Deadly Quartet” , and “Insulin-Resistance Syndrome” . The unresolvable immune activation occurs in the absence of overt infection or frank autoimmune disease, but is recognized to not only affect local tissues, but systemic physiology through chronic, low-grade inflammation induced by obesity that is termed metainflammation.(Macrophage polarization and Metainflammation by Chuan Li) 在本文中,Metainflammation是指由代谢异常引起的全身性炎症。