学习神经系统基因检测全面性的标准与实施方案,记录到《Dev Psychopathol》在.2016 Nov;28(4pt1):1089-1101发表了一篇题目为《了解精神疾病合并症的分子遗传学方法》精神病、神经内科疾病的多种临床表现的应对方案的临床研究文章。该研究由Ian R Gizer等完成。促进了复杂精神内疾病的可行的诊断与治疗方案,突出展示了基因信息分析,尤其是精神病的基因解码基因检测在合并症类患者的正确诊断方面的作用。
流行病学研究表明,精神疾病在人群水平上的高并发率吸引了佳学基因等基因解码机构进行了大量的研究。并发表了许多分析结果, 这些科研数据侧重于确定这些疾病共发模式背后的因果机制。长期以来,此类努力一直是发育精神病理学家的核心焦点,贼近得到了 NIMH 制定的研究领域标准倡议的支持,该倡议为如何在不同分析水平上研究机制的假说提供了进一步的框架。佳学基因神经系疾病的基因解码基因检测重点介绍目前用于研究精神疾病病因的分子遗传学方法,以及这些方法如何应用于努力了解导致共病的生物学机制。采用精神科心理疾病致病基因鉴定基因解码的技术,可以用于用于识别导致多种疾病风险的个体变异的分子遗传学方法以及导致其合并症的干预生物学机制。随后使用聚合遗传数据来检查这些问题的分子遗传学方法,贼后讨论了发育精神病理学家如何以独特的方式应用这些方法,从而进一步了解导致这些问题的因果因素。有助于合并症的诊断技术和个性化治疗药物的发展。
Epidemiologic studies demonstrating high rates of co-occurrence among psychiatric disorders at the population level have contributed to large literatures focused on identifying the causal mechanisms underlying the patterns of co-occurrence among these disorders. Such efforts have long represented a core focus of developmental psychopathologists and have more recently been supported by the Research Domain Criteria initiative developed by the NIMH, which provides a further framework for how the hypothesized mechanisms can be studied at different levels of analysis. The present overview focuses on molecular genetic approaches that are being used currently to study the etiology of psychiatric disorders, and how these approaches have been applied in efforts to understand the biological mechanisms that give rise to comorbid conditions. The present report begins with a review of molecular genetic approaches used to identify individual variants that confer risk for multiple disorders and the intervening biological mechanisms that contribute to their comorbidity. This is followed by a review of molecular genetic approaches that use genetic data in aggregate to examine these questions, and concludes with a discussion of how developmental psychopathologists are uniquely positioned to apply these methods in a way that will further our understanding of the causal factors that contribute to the development of comorbid conditions.
