探索肿瘤的基因组学特征与治疗方案设计体会到《Acta Cir Bras》在. 2012 Aug;27(8):522-8.发表了一篇题目为《野生型p53和双重自杀基因在肝癌介入治疗中的作用》肿瘤靶向药物治疗基因检测临床研究文章。该研究由Hong-xin Niu , Tong Du, Zhong-fa Xu, Xi-kun Zhang, Ruo-gu Wang等完成。促进了肿瘤的正确治疗与个性化用药的发展,进一步强调了基因信息检测与分析的重要性。
碘油栓塞, p53 基因治疗,TK,CD,抑制肿瘤,肝癌
目的:探讨介入性碘油栓塞和多基因治疗联合局部化疗治疗兔VX2型肝癌的可行性。方法:45只肿瘤直径大于2cm的家兔随机分为5组(n=9每组)。在第 1 组中,动物用 0.9% 氯化钠处理。在第 2 组中,动物接受碘油栓塞。在第 3 组中,动物接受了碘油栓塞和 p53 基因治疗。在第 4 组中,动物接受碘油栓塞和 TK/CD 基因治疗。在第 5 组中,动物接受碘油栓塞和 p53 和 TK/CD 基因治疗。介入治疗前及介入治疗后10天进行超声及CT检查。结果:成功建立兔肝癌VX2模型,介入治疗顺利进行。介入治疗10天后,5组间肿瘤体积有显着差异(p<0.05),不同治疗可抑制肿瘤生长。对癌症生长的抑制在第 5 组中贼为明显。析因分析显示,使用 p53 或 TK/CD 和碘油栓塞的基因治疗独立地对癌症生长产生显着抑制作用。此外,第5组对肿瘤生长速度的抑制贼为明显。结论:基因治疗联合碘油栓塞可有效抑制肿瘤生长,延长生存时间。这些发现证明了多基因疗法联合碘油栓塞治疗肝癌的有效性。
Purpose: To investigate the feasibility of interventional lipiodol embolism and multigene therapy in combination with focal chemotherapy in the treatment of VX2 liver cancer in rabbits.Methods: Forty five rabbits with cancer larger than 2cm in diameter were randomly divided into five groups (n=9 per group). In Group 1, animals were treated with 0.9% sodium chloride. In Group 2, animals received lipiodol embolism. In Group 3, animals received lipiodol embolism and p53 gene therapy. In Group 4, animals received lipiodol embolism and TK/CD gene therapy. In Group 5, animals received lipiodol embolism and p53 and TK/CD gene therapy. Ultrasonography and CT were performed before and at ten days after interventional therapy.Results: The VX2 model of liver cancer was successfully established in rabbits and interventional therapy smoothly performed. At ten days after interventional therapy, significant difference in the tumor volume was noted among five groups (p<0.05) and different treatments could inhibit the cancer growth. The inhibition of cancer growth was the most evident in the Group 5. Factorial analysis revealed gene therapy with p53 or TK/CD and lipiodol embolism independently exert significantly inhibitory effect on cancer growth. In addition, the suppression on tumor growth rate was the most obvious in the Group 5.Conclusions: Combination of gene therapy with lipiodol embolism can effectively inhibit the cancer growth and prolong the survival time. These findings demonstrate the effectiveness of multigene therapy in combination with lipiodol embolism in the treatment of liver cancer.
